Little more than a year ago, the search market looked like it might be up for grabs for the first time in years. Microsoft was attacking search with renewed energy, Yahoo was shaking up its effort, …
Why Paying Online Community Volunteers Doesn’t Work
Most web communities are built with lots of help from volunteers - forum moderators, review writers, members who report problems, etc. One of the more common tales of woe told by online community …
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Guy Kawasaki’s Pitch Guide
Last week I did a couple of presentations (on Community Building and Competitive Intelligence) at WebmasterWorld's Pubcon, and caught the opening keynote session by Guy Kawasaki. Guy is a funny and …
Microsoft’s Ms. Dewey
An interesting new experiment by Microsoft, Ms. Dewey, offers a truly original search interface. Using heavy Flash design, a fully animated, photo-realistic librarian responds to your typed search …
Web-based Productivity Apps Not Quite Ready
I've been travelling for a few weeks, and have been catching up on stuff I missed while I was gone. One interesting article from last week was a detailed experiment by Infoworld writer Oliver Rist, …
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Immersive Communities: the New Social Environment
Last week, we wrote about Google's use of a simple game to encourage users to participate in a social tagging experiment, and even offered our suggestion for a new Google Game. The high level of …
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Speling Eror or PR Coup?
Reuters Newsblogs tells the "Tru story" of a press release from TextTrust, a web site spell checking company. The release listed the ten most commonly misspelled words on websites (e.g., …
Google’s Brin Worries About China Compromise
Google cofounder Sergey Brin is having second thoughts about the firm's China deal, in which Google agreed to censor sites listed by the Chinese government. Many of these banned sites are political …
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Malcolm Gladwell: Social Power Tops Economic, Political
Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink and The Tipping Point, says that social power often trumps political power and economic power. Speaking at the Webmasterworld Conference (aka Pubcon) in Boston, …
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