In a discussion at TechRepublic, Wardriving - Legal or not?, IT pros debate the legality and ethics of "wardriving". The practice involves looking for an open wireless access point, sometimes by …
Hammacher Schlemmer and the Power of “The”
This is a great time of year for those who enjoy studying marketing and copywriting - every day, the mailbox is full of catalogs, each with their own style. One long time favorite is Hammacher …
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Cringely on Google
Hearing Bob Cringely speak at Webmasterworld's Pubcon last week was a treat. While Cringely managed to be involved in the earliest days of both Apple Computer and Sun Microsystems without becoming a …
Google Print: Monetizing the World’s Information
Google has claimed "organizing the world's information" as its corporate mission, but the current incarnation of Google Print looks more like an effort to monetize that information. With not too much …
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Microsoft Follows Google into Cloud
Microsoft's CTO Ray Ozzie thinks the challenge from Google, particularly its "cloud-based services," i.e., services that are hosted and delivered over the public Internet, has been a wake-up call for …
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Debunking Web 2.0
Web 2.0 has been hovering on the Technorati top search list for many days now. In case you need an antidote to the hyperactive bloviating of most web pundits, check out Web 2.0 to you too, buddy. …
Yahoo Enters Podcast Arena
Compared to the continued spate of new product announcements from Google, things at Yahoo have seemed more sedate. Now, Yahoo promises to help organize an area that definitely needs help: podcasting. …
Blogger Sued Over Visitor Comments
In a rare intersection of search engine optimization and web community building, a blogger is facing a lawsuit from an SEO firm over comments left by visitors to his blog. The Wall Street Journal …
Give to Receive
It's far from being a novel idea, but the Duct Tape Marketing weblog reminds us that "Give and You Shall Receive." The article points out that one of the best ways to win the trust of potential …