The second guideline from the Stanford Web Credibility Project is Show that there's a real organization behind your site. Sites who are known entities, like and, don't have to …
Website Credibility #1 – Verifiable Information
As I mentioned in my general post about the Stanford Web Credibility Project, I'm going to look at each of their points in some detail. The first guideline from their research is Make it easy to …
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Web Credibility at Stanford
Research seems to be ever more tightly focused these days... often, the real-world implications of such work is minimal, but one interesting specialized program is the Web Credibility Project, part of …
Finding Hidden Content
No, we're not talking about the "white text on a white page" kind of hidden content - that's more commonly called hidden text, and isn't a particularly useful strategy these days. We're talking about …
Split-Second Web Site Impressions
A new study shows that visitors form a long-lasting impression of a website within a fraction of a second of their first visit. In just a brief one-twentieth of a second -- less than half the time …
Norman vs. Nielsen – Web Design Smackdown
Read human factors guru Don Norman's latest book, Emotional Design, and it's evident that Norman and his partner, web usability consultant Jakob Nielsen, must be turning into The Odd Couple. Nielsen …
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