On this episode of The Brainfluence Podcast, it is my pleasure to have Ben Parr as our guest. Ben is the cofounder of DominateFund, an early-stage venture fund. He was formerly a co-editor and …
Ep #52: The History of Psychology with Dr. David Devonis
This week, on The Brainfluence Podcast, my guest is David Devonis, PhD. Dr. Devonis is a professor and the program coordinator of Psychology at Graceland University in Iowa. He currently teaches a …
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Ep #51: Customer Experience and Engagement with Andy Frawley
In this episode of The Brainfluence Podcast my guest is a fellow Wiley author, Andy Frawley. Andy is the CEO of Epsilon, a firm that strives to create customer connections that build brand and …
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Ep #50: The Creator’s Code with Amy Wilkinson
On this episode of The Brainfluence Podcast, our guest is Amy Wilkinson. Amy is a strategic adviser, entrepreneur, author and lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. She is also the …
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Ep #49: Elissa Moses and Neuromarketing Advances
This week on The Brainfluence Podcast, my guest is Elissa Moses. Elissa is the head of the global Ipsos Neuro & Behavioral Science Centre. She is a pioneer in neuromarketing, global strategy and …
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Ep #48: Guy Kawasaki and The Art of The Start 2.0
My very special guest this week on The Brainfluence Podcast is the one and only Guy Kawasaki. He's written a dozen New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling books, and headlined countless …
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Ep #47: Habit, and Why Marketers Ignore It with Neale Martin
This week, my guest on The Brainfluence Podcast is Neale Martin. Neale is an author, entrepreneur, and consultant. He is currently a professor at the Coles College of Management at Kennesaw State …
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Ep #46: What Great Brands Do with Denise Lee Yohn
My special guest this week is one that I have known online for years and am thrilled to bring to you for the first time in this format. Denise Lee Yohn is a consultant, speaker, author, and brand …
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Ep #45: Scientists Get Closer to The “Buy Button” in The Brain with Angelika Dimoka, Paul Pavlou and Vinod Venkatraman
This week, I have a special treat for The Brainfluence Podcast listeners. My guests are the three lead researchers from Temple University's Center for Neural Decision Making at the Fox School of …