Why virtual keynotes or remote workshops? Here are just a few reasons:
- Travel is difficult or impossible due to ongoing virus concerns, particularly for dispersed teams.
- Some people are uncomfortable in group settings, either small or large.
- Budgets for training, development, and events are reduced.
Do you want to increase sales with neuromarketing? Do you need to merge customer and employee experience? These are a couple of Roger’s specialties, and he can offer a live or prerecorded session.
Here’s an example of Roger’s presentation style:
Roger’s in-person presentations are packed with images to hold attention, boost energy, and increase recall of important points. His virtual keynotes and workshops can do the same. Any text is short and underscores an important point.
Virtual Keynotes – Customized for YOU
Every virtual keynote is tailored to the exact needs of your audience or team. Roger’s process begins with a conversation about who will be attending. He wants to know both their pain points and the business outcome you want.
Roger’s content draws on the ideas in his best-selling Brainfluence (now in eleven languages) and Friction (Top 3 Management Books of the year, strategy+business). Beyond his books, Roger has published than 1200 articles at Forbes, Neuromarketing, LinkedIn, and other venues.
No Technology Failures
Too often, virtual events experience technology issues. Keeping the attention of virtual audience members is difficult to begin with; poor A/V quality and/or delays will cause some to tune out. Some problems are small, like the speaker being on “mute” and having to restart a speech. Or, awkward delays while a presenter fumbles with screen sharing. Some are more serious, as when a problem with the internet connection or the event platform prevent the speaker from being seen and heard. Roger’s presentations minimize the chance of losing your audience due to technical glitches and maximize audience engagement.
- No screen sharing. Roger’s video comes through as a single 16:9 HD video stream that includes both speaker and visual content. The audience doesn’t have to view separate content and speaker windows, and synchronization is always perfect.
- Studio quality. Roger’s virtual event studio uses professional lighting, high resolution cameras, and broadcast-quality mixers.
- Audience interaction. Multiple computers in the studio allow chat or voice interaction with audience members when the event format allows it.
- Pre-recording option. Ask about the option of a pre-recorded presentation as a backup. This is the ultimate protection against unexpected connectivity problems or other tech issues.
Save Scarce Resources
Why spend money on air travel, hotels, overpriced venues, even more over-priced food and drink, and all the other things that are part of in-person events? A virtual keynote or remote workshop eliminates many of these expenses. Equally important, virtual events can reach even those employees or customers who would not have attended in person.
Click here for more about Roger Dooley keynotes and workshops, including testimonials, contact info, and more.
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